Sanford Autism Advocacy Group
We Get You Because We Are You
Sanford Autism Advocacy Group is committed to empowering individuals with Autism and their families through a range of comprehensive services. Their neurodiversity training fosters understanding and acceptance of diverse neurological profiles, promoting inclusivity in schools and communities. Through personalized Individualized Education Program (IEP) coaching, they equip families with the knowledge and tools to advocate effectively for their child’s educational needs.
Additionally, their parent education initiatives provide valuable resources and support networks for navigating the complexities of raising a child with autism. Monthly IEP conferences offer a collaborative platform for parents, educators, and professionals to discuss and refine educational plans, ensuring tailored support for each individual.
Finally, their provision of speech-language Independent Educational Evaluations (IEEs) enables thorough assessments to inform targeted interventions and optimize communication development.
Meet the Owner and Director of SAAG, Crystal Y. Sanford
Crystal began her career as a Speech Therapist in Los Angeles County in 1998. Before moving to San Diego in 2004, she continued her work in public schools with a focus on social language disorders and communication support for autistic individuals. Her passion for aiding autistic clients grew over the years, finding fulfillment in witnessing their progress and success in communication and social interactions.
In 2014, her personal journey intersected with her professional expertise when her daughter was identified as autistic, leading her to establish the Sanford Autism Advocacy Group (SAAG) in 2016. Through SAAG, Crystal offers guidance and support to families navigating the complexities of the Individualized Education Program (IEP) process, drawing from her own experiences and expertise in special education.
Areas where SAAG Supports
Family Resources
The Sanford Autism Group goes beyond providing exceptional educational resources; they also offer a range of supportive services to enhance the overall well-being of families impacted by Autism.
Tools for families:
- SELF-GUIDED Crystal Clear IEP Course
- Conferences & Events
- 1:1 IEP Advocacy
- Autism Parent Coaching
Community Partner Resources
Sanford Autism Group offers resources aimed at fostering collaboration within our powerful community.
Tools for Community Partners:
- Large Group IEP Training
- Large Group Autism/Neurodiversity Training
- Small Group/Individual IEP Coaching Sessions
- Quarterly CC IEP Webinar for Professionals
- Community Support at Resource Fairs
- Annual Community Partner MeetUp/Brunch
School Staff Resources
Sanford Autism Group offers resources aimed at powerful collaboration within schools.
Tools for Schools:
- Whole Staff IEP Training
- Whole Staff Autism/Neurodiversity Training
- Small Group/Individual IEP Coaching Sessions
- Quarterly CC IEP Webinar for Professionals