A girl with Down syndrome writing in a paper

Whole Story Planning

Crafting Comprehensive Care Plans Tailored for Your Needs

Whole Story Planning is a wealth management practice devoted to serving Special Needs families. They provide comprehensive guidance on planning for children who may require long-term support, covering legal, financial, and benefit considerations beyond traditional financial planning, including special needs trusts, funding options, and accessing federal benefits.

They also provide holistic and personalized financial solutions to those navigating the complexities of caring for a long-term dependent.

All-in-one Support Curated for You

To ensure you have what you need today and beyond, they involve a team of three professionals as they begin your planning journey:

LEGAL: Estate Planning Attorney who will offer you expertise on things like guardianship, a special needs trust, etc.

BENEFITS: Your Benefits Specialist is someone who not only helps us with access and identification of programs at the local, state and federal levels but gives us the cost planning analysis needed to determine just “how much” needs to go into the special needs trust at your passing. We work with several experts in this area depending on your child’s needs.

FINANCIAL: And myself, your Financial Advisor. Typically I’m the quarterback for your plan and help make communication with these folks simple and consistent for you and your family.

Why Whole Story Planning is Different

Their approach is unique as they bring you your legal and benefits team to the table to coordinate your family’s plan. You and your children receive a holistic plan that covers both risk management and long-term investment planning. They make sure the right documents are in place, but most importantly that those documents (like the Special Needs Trust and ABLE accounts) have a detailed funding plan upon your passing or inability to care for your loved one.

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Connect with Kacy Seitz for more info


Physical Therapist
Occupational Therapist
Speech Therapist

Health Care

Nursing Specialist
Healthcare Worker/Nurse
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