

Rest assured Apex Social Group operates under high standards of service and complies with all governing agency requirements. The U.S. Department of State requires that families meet the following specific requirements as a condition of participating in Apex Social Group’s program:

Are You in an Apex Social Service Area?

We offer comprehensive live-in child care services in these regions, however please contact the family advising team to verify your location:

Seattle, WA | San Francisco, CA | San Jose, CA | Los Angeles, CA | San Diego, CA | Salt Lake City, UT | Denver, CO | Dallas, TX | Chicago, IL | Atlanta, GA | Miami, FL | New York City, NY | Boston, MA | Hartford, CT | Philadelphia, PA | Baltimore, MD | Washington, DC | Northern Virginia | Raleigh, NC


Physical Therapist
Occupational Therapist
Speech Therapist

Health Care

Nursing Specialist
Healthcare Worker/Nurse
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