Our Standards of excellence
- Our associates, care professionals and host families are carefully selected. Each must believe in our culture, vision, mission, values and purpose. They must understand our program’s expectations and needs.
- We believe in laughter and a sense of community. We are often separated physically but we make a concentrated effort to feel connected.
- Company decisions, including all H.R. decisions (hiring, training, etc) will be driven by the vision, mission and values of the organization.
- We are empowered to fulfill customer needs, providing everyone we serve with the highest level of service thereby exceeding expectations on a regular basis.
- We are sensitive to our customers’ and associates’ unique and special needs, providing personalized service.
- We are timely in all business interactions with those we serve both internally and externally, including timely responses to any requests, emails and phone calls.
- We accomplish a relationship of trust with each customer contact.
- We assist each other, stepping out of our primary duties to effectively serve our customers. We are gracious and treat our customers and each other with respect and dignity.
- Confidentiality is paramount! We respect the privacy of our care professionals and families in what information is shared on social media and other formats and are careful to receive permission to share information. Never speak to anyone outside the company, including the press, about our care professionals or the families we serve and If you are approached for information, notify the CEO.
- Any associate who encounters a customer who has experienced any difficulty or error is responsible and empowered to own it, apologize, and find a resolve immediately.
- Apex Social Group is a unique organization that strives for excellence in everything. We strive to create joy in our workplace and always look for opportunities to “WOW” our customers and fellow employees. We strive to make our customer’s experience memorable and unique.
- We are professional at all times. As professionals, all forms of communication must reflect Apex Social Group’s spirit of Excellence.
- We represent Apex Social Group in a professional manner when we meet those outside the organization by introducing ourselves warmly, with a smile and identifying our role with the organization.
- Our attire and personal image are professionally appropriate and should represent our commitment to excellence.
- Our responsibility is to create a great environment and reputation for our organization and each other. Our associates serve as ambassadors for the organization at all times.
- As an organization and as individuals, we believe in continuous improvement and we all have a responsibility to participate in the elimination of defects and transformation of our work area to achieve excellence.
- We are honest in regards to our strengths and weaknesses and understand how to productively share kudos and constructive criticism with colleagues. We make an effort to learn from the feedback for our personal and professional
growth. - We are not afraid to try new things, fail fast and fail forward. We learn from our mistakes and do not make them twice.