Education Spectrum
A man with his therapist

Education Spectrum | Serving Neurodiverse Individuals

Education Spectrum develops and provides effective, targeted community-based services for neurodiverse individuals to promote positive growth in their lives.

For over 25 years, Education Spectrum has provided quality services to children, adolescents, their families, educators, and professionals. Through their unique blend of individual, family, and group programs, their goal is to foster their social, emotional, behavioral, communicative, and learning potential by implementing specifically tailored intervention techniques. They believe that individuals with autism spectrum disorders make the most progress when approached with respect, compassion, and a true understanding of their needs.

Building a Support Community

As families and school districts began to call, Education Spectrum began rapidly providing consultation services and training. When Regional Center contracted with Education Spectrum as a vendor, the Center grew quickly, becoming one of the first organizations in the area to provide Social Skills and Adaptive Skills training classes.

Expanding Their Reach

Education Spectrum has expanded over the years, but the core team has served countless families and provided training to local school districts and private schools for over 25 years. They have also expanded to serve not only students with autism but also provide community support to neurodiverse individuals that impact social, educational, and behavioral performance.

Unique Blend of Community-Based Programs

Their unique blend of community-based programs implement research-based intervention techniques. Through their innovative programs, Education Spectrum’s support community fosters the social, emotional, behavioral, communicative, and learning potential of neurodiverse individuals.

  • Adult Support Groups
    Their Adult Social Support Groups are designed to prepare adults with high-functioning Autism and related disorders, to deal effectively and independently with the increasing demands of navigating adulthood and independence.

  • Youth Social Support Groups
    Their curriculum is drawn from both published and evidence-based practices and is specifically designed by the Education Spectrum staff. The groups consist primarily of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders. The goal for every child or teen is to help them reach their full social potential and develop the tools necessary to establish relationships, and communicate more effectively with their family, peers, and society as a whole thereby enriching their lives and preparing them for adulthood.

  • Community Integration
    Their Community Integration program is designed to facilitate the development of skills that will support success in the community in the core areas of deficit for school-aged children with learning differences.

Connect with Education Spectrum


Physical Therapist
Occupational Therapist
Speech Therapist

Health Care

Nursing Specialist
Healthcare Worker/Nurse
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