Logo for a special needs planning service, ENABLE Special Needs Planning
Phillip Clark with his sister, Sarah

ENABLE | Unique Approach to Special Needs Planning

ENABLE believes that your child was made on purpose and for a purpose. They also believe that your child has the ability to live an impactful life that makes a positive difference. Therefore, Special Needs Planning should enable you to confidently answer the following questions:

“What does a purposeful and impactful life look like for my child today–and every day in the future?” 

“How do I make sure my child is able to live this GREAT life?”

ENABLE helps you create a comprehensive plan for your entire family—including your son or daughter with special needs—that focuses on your abundant vision for a happy and fulfilling life.

ENABLE’s 5 Steps to Creating a Comprehensive Special Needs Plan

The ENABLE comprehensive Special Needs Planning process helps you create an abundant life for your child TODAY. It also builds a future for your loved one that is unique and tailored to his or her own abilities, hopes, dreams, and goals.

  • Vision Planning
  • Life Planning
  • Resource Planning
  • Financial Planning
  • Legal Planning 

Do I Need a Special Needs Plan

All families need to plan for the future–typical or otherwise. However, the need to plan now is exponentially more important for families who have a child with special needs.

  • Have the planning conversations you’ve had been focused primarily on your child’s unique hopes, goals, and dreams?
  • Are you confident that your special needs plan was designed so that your child has every opportunity to live a life that allows his or her unique abilities to shine?
  • Are the planning strategies you’ve implemented been selected to ensure that your child can live a GREAT life today, tomorrow, and every day in the future?

While ENABLE thoroughly prepares your family for all of life’s uncertainties, we remain focused on helping you create a plan that works for your family today—and every day in the future.

The team at ENABLE has taken the guesswork out of special needs planning and made it easy for families to provide their children with every opportunity to live a life that allows them to reach their full potential.

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Physical Therapist
Occupational Therapist
Speech Therapist

Health Care

Nursing Specialist
Healthcare Worker/Nurse
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