Logo for an inclusive support and community that provides a large variety of services, PPCH
3 teenagers hugging each other

Parker Personal Care Homes

Enhancing The Quality Of People's Lives

Founded in 1995, they are a well-established organization that provides a large variety of services. Their support includes Foster Care Supports, Children’s Extensive Supports, Supported Living Services, Host Homes, Community Participation Services, Supported Community Connections, Specialized Habilitation, Independent Living Services, and Vocational Rehabilitation Services.

They believe that they have one of the most important jobs: enhancing the quality of people’s lives. They take the time to gather the right tools and identify the appropriate resources so that they are enabled to provide individuals ample opportunities to make informed and healthy choices about their lives.

Build an Inclusive and Supportive Community

At PPCH, their mission is to construct an inclusive and nurturing community, focusing on each person they serve with dedicated attention, one individual at a time. They envision a future where guided by ethical and entrepreneurial principles, they collaborate with individuals to create tailored opportunities that respect their autonomy and enable them to make meaningful contributions to their communities. Through their commitment to this vision, they aim to foster a society where everyone has the chance to thrive and participate fully, regardless of background or ability.

Their Values

They work to ensure that individuals experience meaningful opportunities to be active participants and contributors within their communities. Being a member of an inclusive and supportive community is something that everyone at PPCH is deserving of.

Innovative Thinking
They strive to develop creative options and approaches that honor the gifts, talents, and dreams of those in their community.

Acceptance & Equality
They acknowledge and celebrate the unique gifts and talents that each and every one of them bring to PPCH and openly celebrate their differences. Being treated fairly and equitably is highly regarded.

Personal Growth

They respect the talents that all individuals bring to their careers and believe that competitive work in integrated settings fosters self-sufficiency, independent living skills, self-esteem, and a sense of belonging within the community at-large. They encourage everyone at PPCH to continue learning and growing in an effort to become their best possible self.

Individualized Approach

They respect that each individual has different strengths, goals, desires, and challenges. They pride themselves on delivering unique solutions to meet the challenges that individuals experience.


They value the importance of family in an individual’s happiness and success. They honor the contributions they offer in the lives of those we serve and seek to promote a healthy work/life balance for their employees.


They value empathy and strive to respect the life experiences of those in their community.

Connect with PPCH


Physical Therapist
Occupational Therapist
Speech Therapist

Health Care

Nursing Specialist
Healthcare Worker/Nurse
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