Kelley Coleman Named 2024 Apex Advocacy Award Honoree

Photo of Kelley Coleman 2

The Apex Advocacy Award recognizes someone in our community who has demonstrated extraordinary dedication and tireless advocacy for the rights and well-being of children with disabilities and their families each year.

This honor celebrates those whose voices have resonated powerfully, championing inclusion, empowerment, and systemic change. The recipient has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to breaking down barriers, challenging stigmas, and/or influencing policy reforms at the state and federal levels.

From raising awareness to driving legislative action, these exceptional advocates have exhibited remarkable courage, resilience, and compassion in their pursuit of justice and equality. Their advocacy has not only transformed individual lives but has also catalyzed profound societal change, shaping a more equitable and inclusive future for all.

We are proud to honor Kelley Coleman with the 2024 Apex Advocacy Award for her exceptional advocacy on behalf of children with disabilities and their families.

As a parent navigating support for her own child with multiple disabilities, Kelley’s advocacy is deeply personal. Her tireless efforts empower parents as effective advocates, equipping children to become self-advocates. Kelley champions access to vital resources and advocates for pro-disability legislation, with a focus on equity in education.

Through her writing, committee work, and lobbying, Kelley has made a profound impact. Her commitment inspires respect, with even IEP teams recognizing her as a formidable force driving positive change.

Join us in celebrating Kelley’s extraordinary dedication to inclusion, empowerment, and an equitable future for all children with disabilities. Congratulations on this well-deserved honor!

About Kelley Coleman

Kelley Coleman is a former feature film development executive turned author and is a passionate advocate for parent caregivers and individuals with disabilities. Now, she uses her storytelling experience to write middle-grade fiction that features authentic disability representation.

Her non-fiction writing focuses on the practical aspects of parenting, adulting and navigating the complexities of raising a child who is disabled. Her book, Everything No One Tells You About Parenting a Disabled Child, is an honest, relatable, and actionable guide for parents facing the journey of parenting a child with a disability. 

In addition to her writing and advocacy, Kelley is a dynamic speaker, delivering engaging workshops and talks about the realities of parent caregiving, navigating support systems, and telling authentic personal stories. Kelley serves on committees for the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, and the Los Angeles Unified School District, and Canine Companions. In her spare time, she enjoys crafting unique creations, appearing on game shows, and winning celebrity cow milking contests. Kelley’s engaging personality and tireless commitment to advocacy make her a true force for positive change in the community.

Learn more about Kelley Coleman on her website: You can learn more about her book Everything No One Tells You About Parenting a Disabled Child and where to order it here:

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